Deetaa Fayyadamaa

Use this tab page to enter or edit user data. Some of the data may have already been entered by the user or system administrator when installing LibreOffice.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose - LibreOffice - User Data.

Deetaan fayyadamaa qajoojiilee fi masakoota LibreOfficekeessa jiraniif tajaajila. Fakkeenyaaf, badheeleen deetaa "Maqaa duraa" fi "Maqaa dhumaa" battalumatti maqaa kee akka maqaa barreessaa galmee haaraatti saaguuf gargaaru. Jalatti kanatti arguu dandeessa Faayilii - amaloota.

Deetaan fayyadamaa muraasni akka to'ataa qubeeffannoon beekamuuf battalumatti kuusaa galmee keessaa irraa dabalama. Dogoggorri qubeessuu yoo argame, sagantichi bakka bu'ootaa tilmaamuuf deetaa fayyadamuu danda'a. Hubadhu jijjiiramni deetaa kan dhugoomu erga LibreOfficelamkaasamee booda.


Deetaa fayyadamaa dhuunfaa kee naquu fi gulaaluuf badhee Teessoo fayyadami.


Type the name of your company in this field.

Maqaa duraa

Type your first name.

Maqaa dhumaa

Type your last name.


Type your initials.


Type the name of your street in this field.

Iyyaatoo teessoo

Type your ZIP in this field.


Type the city where you live.


Type your state.

Mata duree

Type your title in this field.

Gita hojii

Type your position in the company in this field.

Bil. (Mana)

Type your private telephone number in this field.

Bil. (Hojii)

Type your work number in this field.


Type your fax number in this field.


Type your e-mail address. For example,