Galmeewwan Banuu

Galmee jiraataa banuu

  1. Kan armaan gadii keessaa tokko hojjedhu:

    Choose File – Open

Choose File – Open remote file

Do a long click in the Open icon on the standard toolbar and select Open Remote File in the bottom of the list.

  1. Faayilii banuu barbaaddu filiitii Banii cuqaasi.

Faayiloota Agarsiisuuf Daangessi

To restrict the display of files in the Open dialog to a certain type select the corresponding File type from the list. Select All Files to display all files.

Qubannoo Qaree

Walumaagalatti, galmeewwan hundi bakka jalqaba galmichaatti qareetiin banamu.

One exception appears when the author of a Writer text document saves and reopens a document: The cursor will be at the same position where it has been when the document was saved. This only works when the name of the author was entered in - LibreOffice - User Data.

  1. Qaree bakka qubannoo dhumarratti ol kaa'ametti qindeessuuf Shift+F5 dhiibi.

Galmee Duuwwaa Bani

Kabala walta'inaa irraa sajoo Haaraa cuqaasi yookiin Faayilii - Haaraa fili. Kuni galmee gosa galmicha ifta'ee bana.

Yoo xiyya sajoo Haaraa ti aanee jiru cuqaaste, baafatni xiqqaan kan keessaatti gosa galmee kan biroo filachuu dandeessu ni banama.

Sirna qaaqa faayilii yookan Qaaqawwan LibreOffice

Sirna dalagaa baay'ee irratti, sirna qaaqa faayilii yookan Qaaqawwan LibreOffice fayyadamuu dandeessa.

Qaaqni LibreOffice faayilii fe'iinsaa fi ol fe'ii deegara hayisa walindhaa https fayyadamuun.

Faayilii Saphuphuu Kaadima irraa Banuu

Sanduuqa qaaqaa keessaa URL galchuu Maqaa faayilii dandeessaBani. URL fayilii:/// yookan ftp:// yookan http:// eegaluu qaba.

Yoo qaaaqa LibreOffice fayyadamte, https:// huddeelsoo hayida walindhaa fi saphaphuu kaadimaa irratti galmee olkaa'uu dandeessa.