Abrir documentos

Abrir un documento existente

  1. Adopte un dos procedementos seguintes:

    Choose File – Open

Choose File – Open remote file

Do a long click in the Open icon on the standard toolbar and select Open Remote File in the bottom of the list.

  1. Seleccione o ficheiro desexado e prema Abrir.

Restrinxir ficheiros á visualización

To restrict the display of files in the Open dialog to a certain type select the corresponding File type from the list. Select All Files to display all files.

Posición do cursor

En xeral, ao abrir calquera documento o cursor encóntrase no inicio do documento.

One exception appears when the author of a Writer text document saves and reopens a document: The cursor will be at the same position where it has been when the document was saved. This only works when the name of the author was entered in - LibreOffice - User Data.

  1. Prema Maiús+F5 para colocar o cursor na última posición gardada.

Abrir un documento baleiro

Click the New icon on the Standard bar or choose File - New. This opens a document of the document type specified.

Se preme na frecha situada ao lado da icona Novo, abrirase un submenú onde pode seleccionar outro tipo de documento.

System File Dialogs or LibreOffice Dialogs

On most operating systems, you can choose to use the system file dialogs or LibreOffice dialogs.

The LibreOffice dialogs support file download and upload using secure https connections.

Opening Files from a Web Server

You can enter a URL in the File name box of the Open dialogs. The URL must start with file:/// or ftp:// or http://.

If you use the LibreOffice dialog, you can use the https:// prefix for a secure connection, and you can save a document on the web server.