Fooyyee Karaarraa

Specifies some options for the automatic notification and downloading of online updates to LibreOffice.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose - LibreOffice - Online Update

Ufmaan fooyyee mirkaneessi

Mark to check for online updates periodically, then select the time interval how often LibreOffice will check for online updates. LibreOffice will check once a day, week, or month, as soon as a working Internet connection is detected. If you connect to the Internet by a proxy server, set the proxy on - Internet - Proxy.

Yeroo fooyyeen jiru, saajoon kabala baafataa keessaa barreeffama ibsa qabu wayii agarsiisa. Itti fufuuf saajoo sana cuqaasi.

Dhugoomsa yoo dhaamsite, saajoon kabala baafataa irraa bada.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo Fooyyeen karaarraa muraa ijaaramuudhaaf filatamuu fi dhiisuu danda'u dha. Qindaa'ina ijaarsa maammiloo kan LibreOffice fili.

Guyyaa mara

Dhugoomsi ji'atti al tokko raawwata.

Torban mara

Dhugoomsi torbanitti al tokko raawwata. Kun qindaa'ina durtiiti.

Ji'a mara

Dhugoomsi ji'atti al tokko raawwata.

Amma dhugoomsi

Amma dhugoomsi ni raawwata.

Download updates automatically

Enable the automatic download of updates to the specified folder.

Bakka naqaa

Ukaankaa filatamee faayiloota naqaman kuusu agarsiisa.


Click to select a folder to download the files.